If you're new to this website, we'd like to say hello. We're don't want thousands of construction trucks running through our little residential streets. For a quick 'potted' history, click on "THE SHORT STORY" above, or click here.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Challenge

Our challenge is to get as many objections as possible to Council by this Friday, 5 March.

I ask you to support our neighbours – those who live in Albion Avenue, Selwyn Street, Greens Road and Napier Street.  But actually, all of us will be effected by the noise, vibrations, truck traffic and disruption, and destruction of pocket parks and gardened areas for more than 25 months.
How can you help? – there's two easy ways:

1. Send an email to the City Councillors – we've made it simple.
Just go to the contacts page - we've got a link that automatically puts all the email addresses into your email. There are four key points that'll make the council sit up and listen – we've listed them below.The smarty-pants people in the community say that we should all make a point of mentioning them.
To email all the councillors in one go, click HERE
Or go to the contacts page:
Contacts page link

2. Sign the petition
A petition will be circulated this week. Everyone in the house can sign.
We look forward to your support, it affects us all.

The 4 Key Points
CTMP stands for Construction Traffic Management Plan
1. The CTMP does not comply with statutory approvals already obtained.
2. The CTMP does not comply with commitments made by the UNSW.
3. The CTMP contradicts the entire basis on which the DA was negotiated by UNSW, Council and the Community.
4. The CTMP, if approved, imposes a huge impost on the well being and amenity of the adjoining residential area.

It really is crunch time now. So send the email. Get everyone in the house to sign the petition.
In fact - get everyone in the house to send a separate email too! And come back here often to check for developments.

Once you've done that – you can also become a follower – the more people the better – by going over to the right hand side of the webpage and clicking "Follow". You can also click on "Tweet this" if you're a Twitterer, or the Facebook Icon if you're a Facebooker. Cool huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We dont have time to comment to blog... but
we all LOVE it ......... everyone is 'peddling
backwards for the next few days'.
It just has to be the worst DA proposal that poor
Clover and Town Hall have ever had and
MUST be awarded a huge Gold Star saying FIRST PRIZE
from our C.S.C. Town Hall with a nice engraving
saying 'TRUCKING TWIT' to UNSW/COFA administrators.

Good Luck with this one Clover and Council.
Love from Nanna XX