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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Letters to Clover Moore

Letters to Clover Moore - Sydney City Mayor and NSW MP

If you'd like your letter published (anonymously of course!), then email it to us. Click here, then click on Email on the left hand side.

22 January 2010

Dear Clover Moore,
As a resident of one of Paddington's tiniest heritage precincts, I'm writing to seek your help over fears we are about to come under siege from a conga line of thousands of heavy construction vehicles as the College of Fine Arts begins a major redevelopment of its campus - a project forecast to last some 27 months.

As I write, COFA is submitting a proposal to the City of Sydney to turn one-way backlane residential streets into a two-way truck route. This is despite making firm and specific commitments in its development application to create a large vehicle access as an initial activity before demolition began through its central campus via the nearby Greens Road - a larger route that fronts the campus and devoid of dwellings.

Citizen COFA. Not!

In the classic film Citizen Kane, flashbacks illuminating the source of the magnate's cruel and domineering life led to a boyhood sled named Rosebud. So, too, the woes of residents Vs COFA trucks can be traced back to a seemingly insignificant item – a paper store.

I kid you not. A paper store.

They’re really not that into us

Aren’t you sick of people saying one thing and doing the exact opposite? We hate it in our politicians, our spouses, our banks, and we hate it in our public institutions. With that in mind, I'm going to start naming names by pointing out one specific institution that doesn't say what it means and mean what it says.

That would be COFA.

Does COFA think we’re too stupid to see what's really going on?