If you're new to this website, we'd like to say hello. We're don't want thousands of construction trucks running through our little residential streets. For a quick 'potted' history, click on "THE SHORT STORY" above, or click here.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

CoFA plays space invaders!

From an observant resident
 Click on image to see larger size.

"Those who cannot remember the past Are condemned to repeat it." 
George Santyana, Philosopher

COFA Dean responds in the Wenty

Truck off COFA says: if Dean Howard says the truck route is only for demolition, how come it has applied to use and modify semi-pedestrian residential streets - including tearing out landscaped islands, an established public park, and making one-way streets two-way for itself only – for the entire 27-month development?

Riddle me that, Batman.