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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Fallout – Before and After

Doing a 'before and after' study is helpful. It helps us understand what is actually happening. And it's even better if it's done visually, because then everyone can see the difference, and everyone is 'on the same page'.
We've prepared a visual 'Before and After' of COFA & UNSW's plans.

The 'Before' is the plan from 2008, which was approved by Council. In this plan construction trucks use the Greens Road loading dock. That would mean that the nearest houses would be approximately 52m away. These four houses are shown in Diagram A in a thin slither of yellow.

Diagram A: Before
Original DA approved truck access (2008)
All vehicle access to the site via loading dock on Greens Road
There was no mention in the DA documentation of using the residential (south) portion of Greens Road.

So, 4 houses within 52m in the 'Before'.
We wondered how many houses would be within 52m in the 'After'? The 'After' plan is the new, comprehensive plan presented to the community last Thursday night - 11 February. This plan has access via Albion Ave & Selwyn Street; Napier Street and trucks using the southern portion of Greens Road.

Diagram B below displays how many houses are within this same 52m zone in their new plan. 

Diagram B: After
New, comprehensive plan presented to residents 11 February 2010.
Access via Albion Ave & Selwyn Street, Napier Street and Greens Road.
Yellow shows residences within the same 52m radius of truck movements.
The 'Before' plan has 4 houses within 52m, and the 'After' plan has approximately 142 houses within 52m. The diagrams clearly show the considerable fallout from the new plan presented by COFA & UNSW.

Are we on the same page now? 

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