If you're new to this website, we'd like to say hello. We're don't want thousands of construction trucks running through our little residential streets. For a quick 'potted' history, click on "THE SHORT STORY" above, or click here.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's easy to leave a comment. We'll show you how.

When we wander around the streets of our sleepy little hollow, we like to stop and chat. Much of the chat, of late, has been about trucks and what we can do about them. Often, we share a laugh about the latest thing on the blog.

Occasionally, our friends and neighbours express confusion about the blog. How do they make a comment? It seems all Goggle-password-this and OpenID-that. Besides, we don't all have a suite of techno trousers in our closets and the interwebs is a strange and foreign land to some.

Well, we're here to show you how you can make a comment without all that stuff. You can even do it anonymously!

First of all you click on "Post a Comment" at the bottom of the story.
A new screen loads, and on the right hand side you'll see a box, shown below. There are a number of options, and we'll go through them one by one.

a) Google Account 
It has Google Account checked - so if you have a Google Account or gmail, then just enter your details and type your comment. You can click on "PREVIEW" to see what it looks like. Once you're happy, click on "PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT" and you're done.

b) OpenID
If you have an OpenID, Wordpress or AIM account, then you'll know what to do.

c) Name/URL
If you don't have a Google Account or don't want to use it or don't know what on earth any of this means, then this is the place for you
Just check the "Name/URL" button and fill in your name, nom-de-plume, or URL (a URL is a web address) if that's how you want to be identified.

d) Anonymous
This is the easiest option of all. If you don't want to be identified, or can't be bothered, then just check "Anonymous". Write your comment in the box, then click on the orange 'PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT' at the bottom.
People will, however, pay more attention to you if you do use your name, although it doesn't need to be your full name.

See - it is easy to leave a comment! And we encourage them. You don't have to be a resident, or even live nearby. It would be really great if we had some comments from students, and even staff of COFA and UNSW, or councillors.

This is an open forum - we welcome all views. We'd get a kick out of hearing from you. Unsavoury words, however, are not encouraged.


Anonymous said...

Surry Hills Police once told us that even though Truck Drivers have a License, that doesn't mean that they don't have a 'criminal record' - they actually treat their work like 'sport' .... 'so if this indecent proposal' is passed ... 'we are in for it' .. trucks coming at us from every street, avenue and lane way here in Area 15


Anonymous said...

Not only are residents at risk but so too are students and staff. Self insured companies, such as the UNSW , so it is understood, enjoy a raft of exemptions. Is it true that as the UNSW is self-insured Workcover has to be invited on site to 'oversee' that the sorting of Asbestos is being undertaken in a manner that will not in anyway affect the 'health' of the community, students and staff alike?
Will some of the demolished materials that contain 'asbestos dust or filings' be used as 'infill' for the new building? Remember James Hardie and all those 'victims' - a dust screen is not acceptable nor is onsite sorting - read Code of Practice for The Safe Removal of Asbestos (NOHSC:2002(1988)- insist that Workcover and all regulatory bodies are brought in.
The UNSW ignores these issues, spends $50 million on a building. BUT the University of NSW closes down its own Faculty of Safety Sciences which includes OH&s courses - such courses that would protect you, workers and the general public in such instances.
Do you as residents,students and staff have adequate insurance cover in the event that either your homes become unstable or most importantly your health is protected not just in the short term but also for the long term. Impact from such demolitions cause latent health problems. Diesel is also a major factor and health hazard - which will be increased by 'gear changing Trucks' captured by the overhanging canopy of those beautiful trees - thus nowhere to go will penetrate resident's homes and their lungs.

Whoever gave this the tick of approval should hang their heads in shame.

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Anonymous said...

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