If you're new to this website, we'd like to say hello. We're don't want thousands of construction trucks running through our little residential streets. For a quick 'potted' history, click on "THE SHORT STORY" above, or click here.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Major "take-outs" from the Thursday meeting

In as straightfoward and dispassionate manner possible - here are the major takeouts from the Thursday meeting.

COFA + UNSW presented a new and more comprehensive Traffic Management Plan for Demolition, Excavation and Construction of COFA, in Paddington, prior to lodging with Council. This plan is for the whole duration of the project, 27 months, instead of just demolition, which is what their previous plan detailed.

'Community' Summary (a summary of the summary)
a) Albion Avenue and Selwyn Streets will get 27+ months of construction trucks
b) The east end of Napier St will get 25+ months of construction trucks 
c) The residential end of Greens Rd will get 27+ months of construction trucks
d) These are in breach of the DA commitments made to the NSW Director General in 2008

1) Demolition (9 weeks) 
- using Albion Ave and Selwyn St for access
- instead of 1,000+ trucks, now more like 300 trucks
- now planning to use the Moore Park Rd end (residential), as well as the Oxford St end of Greens Rd for truck approach and exit

2) Excavation and shoring (22 weeks) 
- major access route through closed section of Napier St, onto Dead Man's Lane
- Albion Ave and Selwyn St will be used when the trucks are too big or access difficult
- no indication as to the number of times Albion and Selwyn will be used
- now planning to use the Moore Park Rd end (residential), as well as the Oxford St end of Greens Rd for truck approach and exit
- 2,200 trucks, 20 trucks per day, 40 truck movements per day
- 4 or 5 months (22 weeks)

3) Construction (22+ months)
- 2 major access routes 1) Greens Rd, and 2) through closed section of Napier St, onto Dead Man's Lane
- Albion Ave and Selwyn St will be used when the trucks are too big or access difficult
- Albion Ave and Selwyn St also used to deliver and dispatch electric crane
- no indication of the number of trucks given
- no indication as to the number of times Albion and Selwyn will be used
- now planning to use the Moore Park Rd end (residential), as well as the Oxford St end of Greens Rd for truck approach and exit

4) COFA and UNSW have employed the services of an 'independent facilitator', to better expedite the construction related impacts and to run the meetings in a co-operative manner. She was briefed on the situation and relevant issues by COFA and UNSW. She facilitated the meeting on Thursday night.

5) COFA and UNSW have employed the services of an communications consultancy (KJA?), to improve communications during this process, for openness, transparency and co-operation. They have been briefed on the situation and relevant issues by COFA and UNSW.

Here's their presentation (thanks Doug_digger for the suggestions)


Doug_digger said...

Seems to me like you were biting your tongue the whole way thru!

Where is their presentation? Can you get it?

Tell you what though, I think you should put the summary at the top, like an Executive Summary.

Regards Doug

Truck Off COFA said...

Thanks for the advice Doug_digger.
We put a "Community Summary" rather than an "Executive Summary" at the top.

Also the presentation has been made available - but it's not working too well...those blue graduated backgrounds are slowing everything down. Tell me if it's a nuisance.

Anonymous said...

I felt the meeting should have been more focused on key issues.

I don't think this general community meeting should be used as a forum for individual grandstanding, which whilst quite amusing, and occasionally simply embarressing, fails to move things in a timely manner to an end result.

Surely if this can be resolved sooner rather than later this is in our community's interest.

Truck Off COFA said...

Thanks for your thoughts Anonymous.

What are they key issues? It seems to me that there is no agreement on what they are.
– COFA & UNSW say that it's mitigation.
– The community say it's two things: please involve us, and please abide by the DA, which means no trucks.

As mentioned in the "Complaint is a Gift" story (http://bit.ly/d5C9Pg), when institutions ignore people's complaints, "passives & voicers" become "irates & activists".

It seems that the meeting was a display of just that - the institution ignoring complaints and in so doing, getting the community more and more off-side.

I do believe that this can be resolved in a more timely fashion. Simply get COFA & UNSW to address the issues of the community.