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Monday, February 8, 2010

Moderately encouraging neighbourhood update

Now, don’t get too excited people, but we come bearing a modicum, a sliver, yes, a veritable scintilla of moderately good news.

The Sydney City Council has told UNSW COFA it must resubmit a comprehensive construction traffic plan for each and every stage of the 27-month development process – demolition, excavation and construction.

Up until now, COFA sought a piecemeal approach, putting forward its truck route plans bit by bit and leaving us all in the dark as to exactly what merry truckers’ delights were in store.

Given COFA’s surreptitious attempt to slip the brutally unpopular residential truck routes through under cover of the Christmas silly season, this is encouraging.

Rather than running amok and firing off delinquent bullets in every which direction, they’ll actually have to use their pointy little heads and think things through.

As many of you know, this is akin to what happened some years ago with COFA’s original (and failed) Development Application. Pressure from the community forced COFA to put forward a comprehensive architectural plan rather than the ad-hoc, we’ll-do-whatever-we-like-plan without due consideration for community – nor student – needs.

1 comment:

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