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Sunday, February 7, 2010

T-shirts: too cool for (art) skool

Our little community is a ragamuffin group, with a diverse range of skills, experience and background. Some are from Mars, some from Venus, and some are from much much further away. Each makes their contribution in whatever way they can.

But they all like a snazzy t-shirt! Who doesn't! Whether they're down at the local RSL, at the footy, off to a fashion parade or just pottering around at home putting a banner up on the veranda or firing off a letter to Clover Moore – being hip, stylish and a little bit edgy is de rigeur around these parts.

Inspired from the street, the students and the august arts institution we call our neighbour, we're developing a range of limited edition t-shirts for your enjoyment. These can be uniquely personalised, you supply your own blank t-shirt!

Using sophisticated, breakthrough technology, too complex to explain here (but we call "iron-on transferissimo™"), we do short-run, high quality, in-sourced rather than out-sourced clothing.

Because we're market focussed, we listen to you, our customers and stakeholders.  In fact, we like to involve you in the process! We encourage feedback and ideas from the community at large, not just our little village. This is how we stay relevant and ahead of the pack.

If you've got a killer line, you're a designer or a dab hand with a paint brush - then let's get to it! We're open to all! Students of COFA - you especially!

Those of you who would like one, the cost would be approaching $10, so long as you supply the t-shirt. Postage and packaging would be dependent on where you are. If you live across the road, then it wouldn't amount to much. A cup of tea and a biscuit might suffice.

WARNING!! Adult material of a juvenile nature follows.
Inspired by Hamlet "something rotten in the state of Denmark" and The Two Ronnies "The Phantom Raspberry Blower".


Anonymous said...
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Truck Off COFA said...

Anonymous posted Another letter to Clover Moore here. Thanks Anonymous!

We've moved the letter to the "Letters to Clover Moore" page:

ArtieFartie said...

I love it!

As you can tell from my name, I'm artie, and fartie!