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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Proposed plan 200 times worse!

The College of Fine Art (COFA), in Sydney, Australia breaks previous promises to the community and proposes to use residential streets for truck movements during demolition.
View the presentation (click on full to view at full screen size) and post a comment.


DavidL said...

Has COFA done a study on the increased impact on the community? Are they going to do dilapidation reports on the houses "in the firing line"?
It all seems ludicrous to me.

Truck Off COFA said...

Thanks for your comment DavidL. You're the first!

As far as we know, COFA hasn't conducted a study. Or if they have, they're not letting on.

They have approached the community about dilapidation reports. But a dilapidation report implies that there's likelihood of damage - correct? So, in effect, they're saying there's a likelihood of damage. If you go to a film called "There Will Be Blood" you ought not be surprised if there's blood...? And if you go to a film called "There Will Be Damage" what would you expect?

By our calculations the 18 houses "in the firing line" are 42 times more likely to suffer damage than in their original DA approved plan. What will be the cost to COFA and UNSW when damage occurs to these houses? Is this a good use of our $50 million stimulus package? Damaging, and then fixing up heritage houses...

And the cumulative effect on the whole community is 200 times worse.

The community is aware of this and are aghast at the new proposal. That's why we plead with COFA + UNSW - stick to your promises. Use your original DA approved plan. Please don't damage our homes. Be a nice neighbour.

DavidL said...

Yes I see. The presentation clearly shows how much worse the new plan is. But isn't a dilapidation report protection for the home owners?

Michael said...

Why don't they use the big main road? Using those little streets is just silly

Rob said...


CoFA not only doesn't think it is silly, they believe it is the best option (for them at least).

Anonymous said...

You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it