If you're new to this website, we'd like to say hello. We're don't want thousands of construction trucks running through our little residential streets. For a quick 'potted' history, click on "THE SHORT STORY" above, or click here.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Truckulent COFA

COFA loves to bug us with their trucks.

They’re supposed to load and unload within the curtilage of their grounds. Them’s the rules. But they often don't.

They have a ‘pretend’ loading dock in the big main road on Greens Road. But it’s more convenient for them to drive around through our tiny heritage streets, because they don’t want to be annoyed by their own trucks – so let the locals deal with them.

I mean…who’d want to be bothered by trucks if you could palm them off to someone else?

Now they’ve got their pennies from Kevin – $48 million in fact (nice one, COFA) – they want to redevelop their campus – a two to three year project. All good, you might say. And we’re really happy for them.

But they don’t want to be bothered too much with all the messy, dirty, demolition and construction fallout. So they’re sending it all to us – their insignificant neighbours.

Thanks a bunch COFA. You get your shiny new campus. We get the trucks. What a nice corporate neighbour.

This is why most of the people who live here have had a cake full of their truculence.
That’s why we say: Hey COFA! Truck off!

The pictures below show trucks of all shapes and sizes doing two things:
1) loading and unloading outside the curtilage of their grounds
2) flagrantly not using the Greens Rd loading dock

Truck exiting from Selwyn St gates

Tree damaging trucks

Driver saw me take this photo and chased me into my house ....... am awaiting Police...

First driver told the second driver to go around the block a 'few times'

5 Bottles delivered to COFA, 2 bottles delivered to Gallery

Bit crowded this time, Coke delivering to Cafe and a big delivery to the Gallery - on a No Standing Zone!

55 minute stay delivering Coca Cola to COFA's cafe . Driver had lunch at the COFA cafe !!!

Is this a delivery? Looks like it to me. Certainly, items exited the vehicle.

This little piece of trucker's delight has a hydraulic lift. Nice ... but noisy!. Vroom Vroom.
If only it could use Greens Rd.


Anonymous said...

Your tree lined streets look very nice.

Truck Off COFA said...

They are quite nice at the moment, Anonymous. But maybe not for long.

We love the trees. They're full of Cockatoos, little birds with hats, and occasionally Kookaburas and Rosellas in the day, and then, at night, enormous noisy fruit bats and cute baby possum families.

They're not gonna like the dirt and asbestos-laden trucks either, me thinks.

There are a couple more pics here:
