If you're new to this website, we'd like to say hello. We're don't want thousands of construction trucks running through our little residential streets. For a quick 'potted' history, click on "THE SHORT STORY" above, or click here.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

High Noon for COFA/UNSW

Sydney Traffic Committee - extraordinary meeting on Friday 12 March 2010
Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) for the College of Fine Arts - Paddington

This an an extraordinary meeting specifically called to go over COFA/UNSW's latest CTMP and to hear our objections. Lets all go! There are rules if you want to speak, so read on...

Where:  Council Chamber of the Town Hall
When: 12:00 noon Friday 12 March (suggest you turn up 10 minutes early)
Who can attend: open to public
If you wish to speak:
1) you need to register with Claudia Calabro on 9265 9648 or ccalabro@cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au by  9.00am Friday 12 March
2) you will be limited to 3 minutes
3) we may be limited to 3 speakers per agenda item
4) agenda items will be available for close of business Tuesday 9 March on the council's website:
and  from Council’s One Stop Shop on Level 2 of Town Hall House
Truck Off COFA will endeavour  to post the agenda up here once they're available
5) you may need to talk to other objectors and nominate a spokesperson. Email us at Truck Off Cofa HERE

We'll see you down there, at about 11:50!

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L E T T E R  F R O M  C O U N C I L

Dear Sir/Madam,

I refer to your submission on the above Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP).

The Sydney Traffic Committee will consider a report on the proposed CTMP at an extraordinary meeting on Friday 12 March 2010.

The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall commencing at 12 noon.

Copies of the Traffic Committee agenda for the meeting will be available to the public from Council’s One Stop Shop on Level 2 of Town Hall House and on Councils website at www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au from close of business on Tuesday 9 March 2010.

Should you wish to address the Committee meeting on this matter, it will be necessary for you to register your name by phoning Claudia Calabro on 9265 9648 or ccalabro@cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au by no later than 9.00am on the morning of the Committee meeting. Each person will be limited to 3 minutes. The chair may limit the number of speakers to 3 for each agenda item so you may need to liaise with other objectors and nominate a spokesperson.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All residents reading this blog should be put on
notice to attend this meeting at Council's Sydney
Town Hall. this Friday, @ noon, at Sydney Town Hall.

Yes, we are all busy, away o/s or interstate and
working............ such 'short notice' guarantees that
very few of our neighbours are able to even attend.

The tiny few who make it ... we wish you Good Luck
with 'delving into all the lies and deception' that has happened with this vile proposal posed by UNSW/COFA
