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Monday, May 3, 2010

Truck Off COFA (+ UNSW) - Global Reach

You know what? Here at Truck Off COFA (+ UNSW) we're a global lot. So it'll be no surprise to you that we think local, and act global.
Yessiree Bob. And Chantal. And Mohammed, Ahladita, William and Nadia.

Our little bloglette has gone far and wide. This map shows our visitors over the last month.

Why don't we see if we can get an even greater global coverage? There are whole sub-continents that haven't experienced the joy and bonhomie of our little offering! Obviously, China could be a big growth market for us, as could the other 'BRIC' countries - Brazil, Russia and India. What about Turkey, Africa, Algeria and Saudi Arabia? Malaysia and Burma? Peru and Chile? Botswana? Indonesia and Papua New Guinea? Wouldn't it be great if we could get hits from Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan?

Let's make it a challenge! It'll be such good fun!  Read on...

Each of us has to get people from parts foreign to come and have a look. It'd be even better if they left a comment and told their friends! Simply email this page to an overseas friend, just click on the little envelope graphic below. And in a months time - we'll take another look at the map to see what's what.

Special points if they're from an Education Institution. In the last month we've had 10 foreign education institutions visit. Let's make it 100!!! Send the page to your uni friends!
For a list of the recently named Global Guru prizes, click here.


Morgan said...

Is there a prize?

Truck Off COFA said...

Hmmm yes - a prize. Or prizes??
One prize would be the considerable adulation, awe and appreciation from community. And public recognition of your good deeds, spread far and wide through the interwebs.
We could also offer cash. But perhaps we ought to ask our extensive network to sponsor prizes?
What do you think??

Unanonymouse said...

You could call it the "Global Guru" competition. Or is it a competition at all? Is it really a bequest? An honorific?

Anonymous said...

How is it going? How many o/seas hits have you got in the last few days?

Unknown said...

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