If you're new to this website, we'd like to say hello. We're don't want thousands of construction trucks running through our little residential streets. For a quick 'potted' history, click on "THE SHORT STORY" above, or click here.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Resident alert: Our questions to UNSW

Below are the questions we've asked UNSW to answer before the Construction Liaison Committee Meeting tomorrow (6pm at COFA on Thursday 11 February in EG02 Lecture Room).

We urge those who can to attend this meeting.

The questions and responses are here. The responses were not received until 6pm Friday 12 February – 24 hours after the meeting. They would not answer them during the meeting.

Paddington-Darlinghurst Community Working Group
Wednesday 10 February 2010.

Dear Peter and Prof Hilmer,
Re: COFA Redevelopment - Questions raised by our members.

To assist in a full and frank discussion on the redevelopment and the proposed Traffic Management Plan could we have your answers to the following questions:
1. Can you confirm how many students were enrolled in
– Each year from 2005 to 2009, and
– How many have been enrolled in 2010.
2. Of those enrolled in 2010 how many will not be attending the Paddington Campus in 2011 due to the redevelopment. That is how many students are being relocated?
3. Stimulus Funding Application by UNSW for COFA- can you confirm if the approval documents of Major project MP 08_0104 were submitted as part of your application?
4. Do you believe that the Feb 2010 P&TMP by Colston Budd Hunt & Kafes is consistent with the Construction Traffic Management Plan prepared in July 2008?
5. Is the Gateway Building on the Oxford St frontage still to be a world class Gallery?
6. In the first two CLC meetings in Nov 09 it was stated that the construction of an entrance via Greens Rd frontage would happen at the same time as the 2 month demolition period- why has this changed?
7. Occasional use of Selwyn St for excavation truck access- why would this be necessary? Please detail these exceptions.
8. Occasional use of Selwyn St for construction access- please detail these exceptions
9. Removal of existing parking spaces at the eastern end of Napier st, to provide for turning and waiting trucks- Does this mean you expect trucks to be in the roadway of Napier St and not just the closed off section of Napier St?
10. Additional Loading Dock in Greens Rd- this was in original DA. Is it now not to be built? Why?

                      Many thanks. Can we have these responses before next tomorrow's meeting.


                      Rob Ellis said...

                      The outcome of this request was that CoFA flatly refused to provide answers to the questions, with the Dean of CoFA deeming them “irrelevant”.

                      Kitty Ailurophile said...

                      At drinks last night, some Napier Street residents, raised concern was regarding removal of parking places at eastern end of Napier Street. The residents are worried that the trucks will just use Napier Street to access South Dowling Street.

                      We must be assured there will not be any access into Napier Street.
                      Louise D.

                      Napier Street residents need the same protection as Selwyn + Albion residents.

                      Kitty Ailurophile said...
                      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
                      Truck Off COFA said...

                      Quite right, Kitty.

                      We don't want the trucks on ANY residential streets, especially since the roads without homes are the only roads CoFA refuses to use.