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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Thought for the day


From “The Onion

Broadway producer Mel Brooks has founded a private nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the word "schmuck."

The nonprofit, 'Schmucks For Schmuck', has compiled schmuck-related data from the past 80 years and utterances of the word "schmuck" have declined every year since its peak in 1951. In 2006, the word was spoken a mere 28 times—17 of these times by Brooks himself.

If such trends continue, Brooks estimates that by 2011, such lesser-used terms as "imbecile," "dummy," "schlub," and "contemptible ne'er-do-well" will all surpass schmuck, which is projected to completely disappear by the year 2020 or whenever Brooks dies.

"Schmuck is dying," a sober Brooks said during a 2,000-person rally held in his hometown.

"We must save this word!" Brooks said to thunderous applause as those in attendance began chanting "Schmuck! Schmuck! Schmuck!"

"How will we be able to charmingly describe someone who acts in an inappropriate manner? Especially given the tragic loss of the word 'schmegeggie' in 2001.

"The world cannot afford to lose this valuable and versatile word. You can be a poor schmuck, a lazy schmuck, a dumb schmuck, or just a plain old schmuck. A group of people can be collectively referred to as schmucks."

Truck Off COFA is playing its part in keeping schmuck alive.

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