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Sunday, February 14, 2010

How was that for you, dear?

From a resident who attended the Thursday meeting at COFA
I don't know about you but I felt confused and a little bit unwell after the meeting.
I spoke to some of my neighbours the next day, and they were all saying the same thing – they felt, like me, that they'd been bruised, battered, pushed around and manhandled. That they'd been mistreated – grabbed, shoved and mauled.

And they wondered why?

1 comment:

Mary - resident said...

yes ..... it was just vile;

They didnt Contact or notify Council so we had
no one from Council to witness how we were
treated ........ not one straight answer.

TRUCKING BASTARDS ...... they are all being paid
$300.00 per hour to lie to us all.