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Saturday, May 1, 2010

OMG!! Britney’s moved in next door!!

Once upon a time UNSW had a construction traffic management plan.

Then it had another one. And another one. Then it sort of went back to the first one. Then it changed its mind, and sat about fiddling with itself for a bit. And then it came up with a new one – ish.

Not a new and improved one, mind. That would require too much actual thought and…er…what’s the word I’m searching for? Ah, yes…planning. No. This plan was a total balls-up plan.

And UNSW’s project management team looked upon this total ar*e of a plan and said, "oh bugger it, that’s good enough. That's bloody well 'constructable'," they said!

However, the people who run this city – and this state – don’t really see it that way. The people who run this city – and this state – really don’t think this plan is good enough at all.

That’s why this screwy plan is stuck somewhere in the bowels of bureaucracy. Yes people, this plan is a real stinker. UNSW let Fluffy off the chain. And no one wants to be sat near it.

Now. This stupendously shambolic showing by UNSW is pretty deft work when one really thinks on it. I mean, you’d have to make a really concerted effort to screw up a $48 million government stimulus gifthorse like that.

Truck Off COFA has been looking on with the kind of OMG!! OMG!! LOL! WTF!!!!! bemusement generally reserved round these parts for humiliating, public, car wrecks like Britney Spears.

Perhaps it’s like the legendary ‘lottery winner hell’ where, rather than ascending into paradise, recipients instead descend into drunkenness, divorce and destitution.

There’s a word for this kind of carnage. (Yoo hoo, UNSW! You may wish to take notes.) It’s a phenomenon called “social anomie” – a distorted perception where people, when given proverbial truckloads of cash, feel that rules and boundaries no longer apply to them.

Round here, we call it bankrupt behaviour. And it may lead UNSW from riches to ruin soon enough.
What can you do? Other than tutt-tutting and saying 'silly old UNSW'?
Go to the Contacts for Objections page to fire off an email to the NSW Government people.
Or read The Short Story to get to grips with what COFA & UNSW have been doing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its as though UNSW are saying "I got Government stimulus money, therefore, I can do no evil."
In the meantime - the 9 months since they got approval for the money, unemployment did NOT get to 8%, interest rates are climbing so perhaps, a sign we're being stimulated too much, and we've seen stimulus money doing wrong and being used wrongly.
Gov. stimulus money is not carte blanche to compromise promises and approvals with a wave of the hand and overuse of the word "unfeasible".
The budget - due in a few hours - will see belt tightening and a withdrawal from the stimulus stance.
BEWARE to any institution that has so thoroughly mismanaged their project and so thoroughly trampled on the community and the appointed agents of compliance and approval, and by so doing have not even started their project.
When they could have started in December 2009.
Shame UNSW. Whoops - did you do it again?